While driving and someone in the next lane comes speeding up, it’s always been my first instinctual reaction to speed up as well. Keep them from merging into my lane and cutting me off. I’ve almost felt like it was my karmic duty to keep them from being too selfish because they’re obviously sooo much more important than everybody else.
If I’m going the speed limit you can, too, buddy.
Same goes for when I’m dinking along, going the speed limit and then some knob gets right on my ass… watch the fuck out. I now have a license to fuck your shit up.
I don’t even think about speeding up to keep them from getting in my lane, it’s just what I do. Ever since I can remember. Maybe I had too many butthead driver cut me off when I was first learning to drive. Who knows. It doesn’t matter.
What does matter is that while driving home I was thinking that I shouldn’t do that anymore. The world could do with one less obnoxious driver, myself included. I can let go of the need to be a jerk just because someone else is. Just because someone else did it first. “He started it, mom!” kinda thing.
And maybe if I slowed down a little and let the other guy in my lane he or she would see or feel that, not like a conscious way but in a back-burner, “oh…maybe the world’s not full of assholes” kinda way.
Maybe they wouldn’t be so inclined to speed racer around if they had the feeling that the other drivers were willing to share their lane. That maybe those other drivers would give them the benefit of the doubt because the speed racer does have somewhere important to be.
Maybe if everybody shared more on a global level our world wouldn’t be as fucked up as it is. Maybe people wouldn’t get viciously pulled off planes.
Maybe people still would act like jerks, some people sure seem fundamentally selfish. But maybe not. Maybe me being a better person would make somebody’s day a little brighter than it was before they rolled past me at 110.
Regardless… Be the change you want to see.
#trafficnews #lettherebehope #advancedsoul
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