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Noupes’ Awesome, Artsy Poster Collection

tcr! · May 16, 2012 at 8:30 am

A Collection of Eye Catching Poster Design

A Collection of Eye Catching Poster Design

Poster design is a true art form. Often the best posters will be bold, eye catching and visually intense, yet minimal and elegant at the same time. As with logo design, often a great poster will be great for what it omits, as well as what it features.

Really the effectiveness of a poster’s design depends upon it’s purpose. Whilst some posters require a basic typographic treatment, others may suit an elaborate visual design. When designing your own posters always try to bear in mind the poster’s audience, and what you are representing.

Expect to wait while the page loads, but the payload is worth it. Poster links give you more from the artists.


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OnEarth Comic - Slaves to the Screen

tcr! · May 15, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Slaves to the Screen: A Cartoon Caution | OnEarth Magazine

Slaves to the Screen: A Cartoon Caution

Remember all those movies about machines/robots/computers trying to take over the world? Well it happened, just not in the way we expected.

I have a love/hate/hate/love/hate/love/love/hate relationship with technology.



jimi hindrance experience jimi hindrance experience · May 18, 2012 at 12:27 am

i haven't gone the paperless way with books yet. but it's a given.


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tcr! tcr! · May 19, 2012 at 7:12 am

Books or anything longer than a page, I can't read on a screen. Just can't do it goddamnit. I need texture.


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NY Mag Interviews Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad

tcr! · May 15, 2012 at 1:30 pm

Aaron Paul on His Role in 'Breaking Bad'

Aaron Paul on His Role in ‘Breaking Bad’

Aaron Paul is even more huggable than the junkie he plays on Breaking Bad […]

Paul, 32, is slight enough to be physically convincing as the twentysomething he’s played for the past four years. On the show, his dithering youthfulness is somewhat exaggerated by his baggy clothing and the way he tends to slouch and let his arms hang behind him like a dreamy, impatient 9-year-old who wants to be somewhere else.

He was in the X-Files episode, Lord of the Flies! I never watched many of the Doggett episodes but may need to dig this up.

If you haven’t watched any Breaking Bad, catch up on Netflix. Season 5 is scheduled to start this July. w00t!


#tv #breakingbad

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The Oatmeal - Nikola Tesla Comic

tcr! · May 15, 2012 at 8:15 am

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived

Geeks stay up all night disassembling the world so that they can put it back together with new features. They tinker and fix things that aren’t broken. Geeks abandon the world around them because they’re busy soldering together a new one.

It’s a fairly long, insightful comic but totally worth it. If you’ve nothing else to do, also check out the links in the “Additional notes from the author” section. Tesla is my hero.

Support The Oatmeal, by a Tesla coffee cup.


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jimi hindrance experience jimi hindrance experience · May 18, 2012 at 12:29 am

will read soon.


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Evil Clowns For Hire

tcr! · May 15, 2012 at 3:40 am

Evil Clowns For Hire

Evil Clowns For Hire

Ses Carny and Professor Chumley are The Evil Clowns For Hire; The World’s ONLY Evil Clown Extreme Variety Show! Mixing Sideshow and Endurance Stunts with comedy and audience participation this is a show you will never forget!

Not for the faint of heart..


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Two More Keys to Spiritual Fulfillment

tcr! · May 14, 2012 at 7:29 pm

Spiritual Dynamo 1 (7:34a):

  1. Don’t do anything stupid during neurosis
  2. Daily masturbation

Spiritual Dynamo 2 (8:14p):

let’s simplify:

don’t do anything stupid during daily neurotic masturbation.


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Forbes - The First Robot Butt

tcr! · May 14, 2012 at 1:30 pm

Meet Shiri, the Freakishly Realistic Robotic Buttocks

Meet Shiri, the Freakishly Realistic Robotic Buttocks

In the future, when our kids’ kids are studying the origins of cybernetic humans, they will learn that one of the first pieces of the anatomy to be invented was the butt. And they will learn that the first robot butt was named Shiri, and its creators wanted it to be happy.

Inventors at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo are responsible for this bulbous, quivering achievement. As strange as it sounds, Shiri (the “buttocks humanoid robot”) may actually represent a big step forward in replicating physical human sensation (or, in the words of the inventor, it “expresses various emotions with organic movements of the artificial muscles”).

Could be big in the sex toy industry.


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Bassist Donald Dunn R.I.P.

tcr! · May 14, 2012 at 12:00 pm

Booker T bassist Donald Dunn dies

Booker T. & the MGs bassist Donald “Duck” Dunn dies at 70

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Bassist Donald “Duck” Dunn, a member of Booker T. & the MGs whose thick bottom grooves anchored many of the classic soul hits from the 1960s, has died on tour in Japan, his friend and bandmate Steve Cropper said on Sunday. Dunn was 70.

Dunn, an integral part of the Memphis soul sound as bassist for the MGs, the house band for Stax and Volt records, died Sunday morning after finishing two shows at the Blue Note Night Club in Tokyo, Cropper said in a posting on his Facebook page.

“Today I lost my best friend, the world has lost the best guy and bass player to ever live,” Cropper said.Cropper, who also performed with Dunn on television and in the movies as part of the MGs-inspired Blues Brothers tribute band, said Dunn had died in his sleep, but he gave no other details about the circumstances.

Booker T. & the MGs, The Blues Brothers, etc., etc.


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jimi hindrance experience jimi hindrance experience · May 18, 2012 at 12:35 am

i heard/loved his music before i knew it was him. got to know a little with the blues brothers. after that i was sold. i seem to remember him being in the credits for some of bowies stuff too. too soon.


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Dear Photograph - Take a picture of a picture from the past in the present

tcr! · May 14, 2012 at 8:00 am

Dear Photograph

Dear Photograph

Heard about this on NPR this morning, way cool. There’s the website and a book.

A few of my favorites:


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Maggie’s Robot Setup

tcr! · May 13, 2012 at 9:30 pm

Maggies Robot Setup 2012 - 00

šŸ“ø View gallery →

#photos #photogallery #robots #maggie


edox edox · May 13, 2012 at 9:59 pm

Awesome! Love it!


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tism tism · May 14, 2012 at 12:44 am

I have serious robot envy.


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