Audio (MP3): 20180416 - Brushing my teeth while driving
I think what annoys me most about driving on Randall Road is that the speed limit is 45 mph but with the sheer amount of daytime traffic and number of stoplights by the Commons, I never get to actually go 45.
See, if I can just get around these other cars I can enjoy the Road Warrior speeds as posted by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Or whoever makes up the speed limits. But no, I’m stuck not even going half that.
Like when I’m waiting behind the lady in Walgreens on State Street who’s fighting with the cashier about which M&M varieties are buy-one, get-one free.
No wait, it’s more like when I turned into the pasta aisle at Super Target on the east side of St. Charles to grab a jar of Newman’s Own Marinara but then there’s this dude and his cart blocking ALL THE SAUCES as he tries to pick out which Bertolli to buy. Just get the Tomato & Basil and let people move on with their lives.
I can see my favorite red sauce. There on the other side of his cart. It’s almost within my grasp but I just can’t quite get to it. But it’s right there. Just a few feet away.
But no, I don’t get to have my non-chunky pasta sauce nor do I get to drive the maximum speed limit on this north-south county highway. Because I can’t have nice things.
And yes, lady driving next to me: I am brushing my teeth while driving. I’m on my way to the dentist.
#photos #nicethings #trafficnews #randallroad #diariespodcast
myrna · Apr 16, 2018 at 7:39 pm
You’re a good brusher! 😉
I do my best 😊
klaurindabrey · Apr 16, 2018 at 8:09 pm
I do it all the time bro!
Haha! Ok good. 😊