You guys remember the mailbox comparison I made earlier this month?
Of course you do. So lucky for us the ladder-mailbox has been converted to a trashcan-mailbox. I can’t decide if this is an upgrade or a downgrade. You pick.
I can say that if I worked for USPS I would be hesitant to approach this receptacle. I would be worried that Oscar the Grouch would pop out in all his fuzzy, matted, glory. And man, can that little dude talk. He just goes on and on and nobody can ever get away from him. Nobody.
Worse still, everything he says is negative. Yeah I get it, your life is a wreck and everything sucks but the first thing I would do is move out of the damn garbage can. You can only go up from there.
Okay. I’ve lost interest in all of this. I’m going to put down the mailboxes unless something really unusual happens. Like Bill Murray shows up, collecting mail with a spatula.
Fine. Yes, I did take this photo just a few minutes ago. From my truck as I was driving by. I didn’t even come to a complete stop. However, It is downright gorgeous outside. I’ve been driving my workdesk all day and coming out to these beautiful temperatures really gave a boost to my spirit…so I wasn’t thinking safety first.
Anyways. If you’re still at work get out of there as soon as you can. As fast as you can. Like when there was a fire at the birthday party and George Costanza was pushing over kids and knocking down clowns during his hasty exit. Do that. Or at least keep him in spirit.
And then stop at Blue Goose and get yourself something from the bakery. Anything will do. You deserve it.
Is it possible the trashcan is an apartment they’ve rented out to Oscar? Little extra income, offset the bills, plus free trash disposal?
Maggie’s face when I started playing the video: 🧐
😆 😆
Did she like the song? 🤣
I don’t think she knew what it was. I’ll have to ask her about Sesame Street. I don’t think it was as much of a thing for her. 😊
Oh yeah… I guess by the time my youngest brother was Sesame Street age, it had pretty much devolved to all Elmo all the time, and he’s 28, so Maggie’s generation probably isn’t so familiar with Oscar. 😢
Yeah, and Maggie was never a huge Elmo fan either. He’s got something wrong with his voice.
Voice, and grammar.
THAT’S IT. His stupid non-stop baby talk. 🙄
Chloroform Elmo, just in time for Valentines Day!
So I guess we should be expecting Stockholm Syndrome Elmo to be out in time for Easter?
Rumor has it that Elmo model will be available precisely on Easter morning.
Elmo himself will hand deliver copies of said himself.