Audio (MP3): 20190216 - Perpetuate the truth of love
Video (MP4): 20190216 - Perpetuate the truth of love
And then there was that one time that Jimi told me “love is an action.”
Another one of those conversations that changed everything.
When two people first meet they feel a certain kind of love, a romantic high that’s unparalleled. We’re on top of the world and nothing can touch us. And then as the relationship goes on that high fades because they always do.
And many a good people have said that the love is gone from their marriage or relationship or whatever. Unfortunately, that’s how love works. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s not that we didn’t do something right. It’s because romantic love, in the beginning, is designed to stimulate us into loving action.
“Here’s how good life can be with another.”
Life gives us a golden ticket. If I just put that golden ticket into my pocket it’ll lose its luster. It’ll get crumpled. Love’s an amusement park full of thrills and chills so I need to get my ass out there, run away with a beautiful girl, and ride the rides.
Because If I’m not feeling loving all I need to do is act lovingly.
Let’s talk bigger picture now.
Spirituality works much the same way as Spring love for another. For those of us that come to the spiritual game a little late, we feel spiritually high because everything is new. The stars are aligning in our soul for the first time in ways they never had before.
But similar to love, those spiritual clouds can lose their luster. Many a good person has also said “I don’t feel spiritual anymore.”
And that’s normal.
In the beginning the cosmos picks us up, turns on the lights, and opens our eyes to the magic of a life we believed to be a myth. And then it’s our job to keep that magic alive and well. To sprinkle the pixie dust on every person we meet and every encounter we have. Okay, maybe not all the time but as much as we’re able.
And in return, we’ll feel spiritual. Because being spiritual takes more work that reading a daily meditation and saying a quick prayer before leaving for work. There’s nothing wrong with that by any means and I do it myself, but if we want to feel spiritually charged with the current of the gods running through our hearts and souls, we need to take the equivalent action.
God’s there but we have to do God’s work to feel that spiritual presence.
Circling back to love, in the spiritual universe we talk about God’s will. I’ve gone through too many definitions but the one that’s kept me on that spiritual beam is that God’s will is for me to act with love. I didn’t make that up but it’s the one that’s made the most sense. In any situation if love’s my only goal then everything else will fall into place.
Because if I’m not feeling spiritual all I need to do is act spiritual.
That romantic love I was first talking about is closely tied to the spirit. It’s part of that overarching spiritual love. I don’t want to say love for another is a subset of God’s will of love because that feels like I’m demoting it in someway. But romantic love is part of and helps define the greater universal love. I’m slow in life and it took me a while to figure out but life’s truly all about love.
The universal love that binds us all together. The flowers and the trees and the lions and the wolves and the humans. We’re all connected through that very love. Love isn’t something that’s mine that I have for another person. It’s an energy that belongs to and defines all living things.
Our job is to perpetuate the truth of love.
I’m gonna wrap this up.
We get high on love in the beginning and then we come down. For those that are feeling the delirious tremors of those first few months of your soulmate or your sobriety have disappeared, through action that erratic, rapid river of love will go from a Spring high into a powerful ocean. That stretches through the four seasons. One of waves miles long, farther than you can see. Full of trust and knowing and being. One of unfathomable depths that covers the corners of our worlds.
We only get those cherry highs once. It will never be like it was in the beginning. But I can guarantee the highs of a life lived by loving are far greater than any single maraschino.
And yep, there will still be plenty of times when your heart is on fire for the one you love, too. There’s not a day go by that I don’t feel overwhelming love for Sara when I myself am loving.
jamnperry · Feb 16, 2019 at 12:53 pm
That’s really good advice! It’s true of the Divine also and those highs can be a daily occurrence you can drink from anytime. When you’re in a loving posture with life like you describe and love flows through you, being spiritual for me finds ways to flirt with the Divine because He/She is also romantic. She responds with those touches or synchronicity in various ways.
Love is like the wind that comes and goes and you can’t always keep a hold of it like a slippery fish. But we are dependent on it and it’s how the universe is meant to function. Our source has always been the Divine and to drink from those waters isn’t so easy. It pleases Her to flow through us though like it does when you hold anyone’s baby. You hit the nail on the head though. Try finding a way to flirt with the Divine and maybe she will touch you more often.
Yep, for sure. All those things worth doing are generally simple but not often easy.
manisfestationqueen · Feb 16, 2019 at 1:47 pm
You are so correct. I had been giving in to lower frequencies out of laziness… But I need to keep pushing towards positivity. My breakup with my bf of 2 years has made me resentful of men. Thinking they are selfish… How selfish of me to believe that everyone is the same. Today I will believe in love and attraction will follow. Namaste :)
Where the body goes the mind will follow!
graceannehika · Feb 16, 2019 at 4:25 pm
Thanks whoever you are. This was great!
You are most welcome!
punchbuggyhurts · Feb 16, 2019 at 4:59 pm
Become Love and we will be re-united once more with the divine presence, which is and has always been within us.
gandhitheblue · Feb 16, 2019 at 5:25 pm
Agreed, the novelty of intense love can only really strike you a few times before it has to subside into a steady everyday thing. It’s not good to just chase another dopamine high, but instead for love to be a steady river. It’s the difference between eating a big meal after a long time of being famished, and having a steady diet that you eat every day.
Love should be the background music, but often shows up in ways that take a bit of effort and routine.
Hell of a way to start my day! I love you.
Awesome! Love ya back, man!
That part where you’re sassing the cats? Purr mf’n poetry! I was spoutin’ lots of blather in those days.
We should do a podcast episode together. I’ll call you sometime and we’ll just let the tape roll. Be the best thing on the airwaves
You can’t stop it! You can’t stop. You can’t stop. You can’t stop You can’t stop. You can’t stop Love in Action….T.R.