God, take me where you want me to go, teach me what you want me to learn, let your will override mine. Keep me on the spiritual path, help me love the other humans.
It’s usually a variation of that anyway. Sometimes I say them before I leave the house. Sometimes I say them when I’m driving to work. Some days I mean every word and other days I’m just mouthing the letters.
Some days I don’t say them at all.
But it’s simple. I’m not Saint Francis over here. And most importantly, they remind me that I’m not El Presidente.
You express yourself so well - it’s a gift you have!
I’d like to take credit for my expression but then I’d be running for office of Presidente.
ajgoodarzi · Sep 27, 2018 at 10:09 am
Wow! Really like that!
Thanks! I like it, too. Keeps me on the beam and all that. 😊
JJ · Sep 27, 2018 at 6:12 pm
Remember your ego is not your amigo. 🌮
Haha! Nope 😊