Whenever we get a support voicemail at work, it’s attached as an MP3 to an email and sent to everybody in the office. It’s handy because then you can just play the audio file in the email as opposed to dialing into the voicemail and jumping through all those hoops.
Note that I said “everybody in the office” above.
We got such a voicemail email at 12:20 pm that was for me. Happens all the time.
Fearless Leader forwards me the email at 1:03 pm.
He set the whole voicemail system up, he knows how it works.
Two weeks ago I sent him an email with a small list of things I need from him. None of it’s done.
Today he forwards me an email for something that I’ve already taken care of.
He didn’t do it to be mean. He does things like that because he doesn’t want to do things that are his responsibility.
It’s a classic example of him “pushing papers” on to my pile that have nothing to do with him, all the while ignoring the papers on his pile. Let’s solve problems that aren’t ours so we can avoid problems that are.
I sent him a one line reply, “Yep, I saw it.” at 1:04 pm.
Charlie Don’t Surf!
I just read that’s also a restaurant in British Columbia 🤔
It kinda means, “Do it anyway! ‘Cuz I’m the boss!” There is a spot by the stove waiting for them in hell.