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Share the road with bikes?

tcr! · Jun 14, 2018 at 8:47 am

Audio (MP3): 20180614 - Share the road with bikes?

How about they go the speed limit? Or obey the traffic signals? Or decide if they’re going to be on the street or the sidewalk?

I ride my bike as much as anybody. Okay, that’s not true. I have a bike in my garage and I’ve only ridden a few times this year.

But I’ve seen the guy at Sammy’s Bikes race around town, blow through stop signs, make wild ass turns without warning, weave around cars, all like he’s in a race to win the World Cup.

When I do ride my bike if I’m on the sidewalk then I act like a pedestrian. And if I’m on the street I act like a car. I stop at stop signs even if nobody’s around.

I do my best to follow the laws in either case. Because I believe in the greater good.

Yes, I still protest in my garage but I’m not a big fan of anarchy in the streets. I’m much more interested in communal well-being than getting my rocks off on my 10 speed.

#bikes #socialproblems #diariespodcast

gauger16 · Jun 14, 2018 at 9:19 am

I’m a semi-cyclist, and I agree that there are a lot of asshole bikers out there that give us all a bad rep. Just yesterday there was a spandex-clad dude riding down 31 with a completely empty bike trail 6 feet to his right. I understand sometimes the bike trail is maddeningly busy, but when it isn’t, I much prefer the bike trail to being concerned that a texting teen is going to nail me with her Prius. If I want a fun road ride, I take it out west to the country roads where there’s only farm equipment and cows to worry about.

tcr! tcr! · Jun 14, 2018 at 10:36 am

Yep, totally. I ride on the bike trails as much as possible. I’d rather avoid cars (and people in general usually) also as much as possible.


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Kris · Jun 14, 2018 at 5:21 pm

You should see some of the idiots near downtown. I think some of them are trying to kill themselves

tcr! tcr! · Jun 14, 2018 at 7:23 pm

I can’t even imagine


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Kris · Jun 14, 2018 at 10:07 pm

Especially the people on them Divy bikes, half of them can barely ride a bike, and then they’re looking at architecture, the lake, not paying attention

tcr! tcr! · Jun 15, 2018 at 11:18 am

That’s gotten be the worst: somebody not knowing how to ride a bike out sightseeing on one 😅


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