Did I ever tell you guys about the time Fearless Leader ate all my apples in the work fridge?
On Mondays I like to bring in enough snacks, fruits, etc. to last for the whole week and just carry the actual lunch each day. I used to keep the apples in the fridge because I enjoy them best when ice-cold.
On a particular Tuesday I noticed my refrigerated paper bag of apples seemed kinda sparse. I chalked it off to me not packing enough for the week because I’m not AN ANIMAL about it.
On the Wednesday after that particular Tuesday the sack was definitely being raided.
On Thursday morning all the apples were gone.
After asking the guys if they’d eaten them, in a “no biggie” kinda way both replied that they hadn’t. That could only leave Fearless Leader.
What kind of boss eats his employees’ food out of the fridge? For three days in a row? Food that was in paper sack? A paper sack that I had been bringing into work for months?
I keep my apples on a cabinet behind my desk now. They’re room temperature but at least I’m the one who gets to eat them.
you need to kick him in his nuts.
if you were to saw off his head…