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Ideas to Revamp Your Home Library

tcr! · Sep 23, 2012 at 7:30 am

Stunning Home Library Design Ideas

Stunning Home Library Design Ideas

Inspired by this feeling of nostalgia I went on a hunt for great home library design ideas, and this is the most creative and beautiful ideas I found. You see, since at an early age I fell in love in books, probably because my parents had a huge room filled with books and I remember spending hours reading them and creating my own little world. Who don’t love books, who!?

There’s about 30 photos and the one I show above is probably my favorite. Except for the chair - the armrests don’t look inviting for a good read.

#literature #homeimprovement

keamoose keamoose · Sep 23, 2012 at 9:10 am

Beautiful. My mental image of my dream house has always included a library; lots of mahogany shelves that cover the entire wall floor to ceiling, with a wooden ladder that has big iron wheels at the bottom and slides along a rail at the top. The room would be accessed through a hidden door - one of those swinging bookcase ones that leaves a telltale fan pattern in the carpet in mystery novels. It should definitely have a window seat too, with an over the top number of pillows for getting into a comfortable reading position.


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tcr! tcr! · Sep 23, 2012 at 8:20 pm

Now that sounds simply delightful! Be careful of round pillows, roll-age and all.


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