I used to work with this guy years ago who would take great pride in yelling at tech support when he had them on the phone. He’d be so loud we could hear him clear over there in his cube.
He was rude. Like so rude that if I was on the other end of the phone I’d hang up. And I wouldn’t answer if he called back.
Then he would come over from his cube smiling. Like he just won. Like he was cool. Like he just showed them and was completely justified in his behavior.
I wouldn’t even acknowledge him afterward as he was grinning like an elevated, heart-racing moron. I’d just keep looking at my screen, typing on my keyboard. His air of superiority sickening.
Was that all his own personal vindication for some long lost battle?
Deal with his type weekly.
Waste of space.
I hate bullies. My boss is one, never grew up and learned the simple rule: that’s not how you treat someone.
I don’t believe in Heaven and Hell. I wish there were a Hell. There’d be a corner for the bullies and I’d get medieval. You’d have to know me and it’s kind of my private hell/fear that people can tell I been bullied. It was not my fault and I did not deserve it. I didn’t do anything, let alone anything wrong.
I usually don’t go that far with the whole thing and it has been a long time in fact since I said anything at all. I guess I assume T knows. I don’t know if I ever said anything as public as all this but I don’t care either. What goes around comes around. I believe that more than I believe most things. Sometimes you have to wait a long time and sometimes you don’t get to be the conductor but it will always come around again.
One of my main tormentors has lost his mind, kind of like in the movie Sling Blade. The last time I saw him he was very obviously permanently impaired from one damn thing or another. Serves him right.
It’s amazing the way the Universe continues to teach her students. I had 2 different abusive bosses. 3 actually. One of them was a lot more mental than the other 2. The 2 who were mean SOB’s got their just deserts in my time. It was sweet. I am not a harsh task master. When I teach, I usually just show ‘em how until they know for themselves. Then they can ask questions as the spirit moves ‘em if they want to know more.
I always tell ‘em they’re doing a good job and I always tell ‘em they’re further along than I was at this point. I always tell ‘em I know they’re going to get it. I’m sometimes lying about them doing a good job and being further than I was but I am never lying when I say that I know they’re going to get it. If they stay with me they are going to get it. Boy, are they going to get it. :)
> that people can tell I been bullied.
Yep, the people who’ve been bullied, generally there’s a sign or two. I’m sure people can see mine as well.
I’ve been thinking about this on and off since the topic’s came up here and thoughts of my tormenter have crossed my eyes a few time. I’ve wanted to write something because it’s something worth writing about but mostly I’m so far removed from all of that that. My mind doesn’t wander too far.
More than anything I just think, “what a dick.”
> but I am never lying when I say that I know they’re going to get it.
That’s awesome, good job. I try to spread self-confidence as far as the eye can see. There’s a shortage.