White House Must Address Petition to Deport Justin Bieber
After topping more than 100,000 signatures on “We the People,” the White House will now have to respond to a petition to “Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card.” As of this afternoon, the petition actually had 104,700 signatures and climbing.
❤️ #meanwhile
Don't send that twat back here!!
His twatness is exceeded only by his Douche Bonnetry. I invented Douche Bonnet quite by accident one day on the interstate. The people who wouldn't drive to suit me were open game for my derision and I heard myself say "Douche Bonnet" when I meant Douche Bag.
Bonnetry was born and remains an active label for those predisposed to acting out their twatiness in my direction or vicinity.
I've been saying "douche bonnet in the car now instead of my go-to "fuck tard."
i've even gone to looking for the official douche bonnet. the contenders usually are on the hat of a man, but women and children aren't exempt.
i'll post potential noms.