Fifth Accuser: Army Vet Claims Al Franken Groped Her in 2003 - Breitbart
Army veteran Stephanie Kemplin told left-wing CNN Thursday that Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) groped her breast in 2003 while the two of them took a photo together. At the time, Kemplin was stationed in Kuwait during the Iraq War. The married Franken was on a USO tour.
“When he put his arm around me, he groped my right breast. He kept his hand all the way over on my breast,” Kemplin told CNN. “I’ve never had a man put their arm around me and then cup my breast. So he was holding my breast on the side.” She said Franken held his hand there for at least 5 to 10 seconds.
Kemplin is now the fifth woman to accuse the Democrat of touching her inappropriately. All four of Franken’s previous accusers also claim that the groping occurred while taking a photograph with the disgraced senator. One of the women, though, Leeann Tweeden was asleep when the groping occurred, also during a USO tour.
Holy shit. What is wrong with people.
yeah, i’m so disappointed in him.
and the whole “shaming people who are passed out” thing i saw a little of and it was too much.
i don’t understand so much.
When I look back on when I was a teenager and did stupid things I kinda get it. I was young and dumb. But grown men acting juvenile, it makes me think that something has seriously stunted their emotional growth.
Grown, SOBER man. No excuse. I mean it’s a limp goddam excuse but if he’d been drunk or fucked up he could at least run off to a treatment center.