Why I like DST - All this
I like Daylight Saving Time, and the advantages it brings more than make up for the slight disruption in my schedule. In fact, the most annoying thing to me about the DST changeovers is hearing people complain about them. The “lost hour of sleep” is especially rich. Who are these hothouse flowers who always get exactly the same amount of sleep except for that terrible day in March? To hear them talk, you’d think they never stay up late watching a movie or reading a book. Only prisoners have such regimented lives.
In indiana, they acted like they were the subject of, you guessed it, a government conspiracy type evil experiment. God, I wish I was kidding or exaggerating for effect.
you should have heard them howl.
growing up with it, it seemed unnatural not to have it.
a few years back indiana switched too, and now every year we hear people say that they never get back to normal until it switches back.
they are the stupidest, most redneck, active practioners of beastiality and least hygienic people on the planet.
there are other examples: they vote republican passionately. they lost more jobs per capita than any place on the planet during W's regime. and voted republican.
and they don't sell alcohol on sunday. the jesus fever is epidemic.
Indiana sounds charming.
We almost moved to Fort Wayne back in ‘98 and based on your experiences, I have no regrets of not.