I gave a talk at XOXO 2013. I’m not very fond of public speaking. I also try to avoid being too personal or too heavy which leaves mostly jokes and new snack foods. But I knew I had a lot on my mind — I jog right past the YU (where XOXO is held) each day and that got me thinking about all of this stuff and talking and it all kind of swirled together. Andy very graciously gave me a speaking slot, and even though I destroyed a dress shirt I made it through and everyone was so kind.
It’s a software talk but much of what he talks about, the thoughts, feelings, and opinions can be applied to regular old life.
- …and very, very slowly everything went back to normal but, I think I had to hit that low point in order to get there which is kind of a bummer deal.
- …the best thing we can do in our dumb, stupid short, lives is pack them full of so much weirdness and ideas and crazy things…
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