Audio (MP3): 20180410 - Apologies as presents
On a person’s special day if I tell the person that I forgot to give or get them a present, it’s like instead of giving them their actual present I’m giving them an “I forgot” instead. Regardless if I actually do give them the present later.
It’s better to not hear anything at all, to be kept wondering, a little mystery perhaps, than to get an “I’m sorry that you weren’t high enough on my list to remember but here’s this apology instead.”
Nobody likes to hear that they were forgotten or feel like they’re an after thought. And when they actually do get their present, it has this uncomfortable bow attached.
So if, on a special day for someone, I forget to “do” what I’m supposed to do, I try to stay away from telling them that I forgot. I’d rather play it cool and “do” what I’m supposed to do as soon as possible.
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