Audio (MP3): 20181112 - A backlog of taxes
I spent the majority of my adult life either toiling around to get my head on straight or hiding in the shadows from the truth.
A backlog of taxes and overdue books.
Pull up a little bit farther at the red light because I don’t want to look at the dude next to me. It’s not that I didn’t wanna go to college. It’s just that my ship was listing and the captain was drunk in his cabin.
You hurt my feelings. I didn’t hurt your feelings. I’m just not gonna do what you want. If a crime involves another person, the real offense is hurting the person on the other end.
Saying I’m sorry often does not let me off the hook. And that’s all fine and good but what’s not fine is not doing something because we’re afraid. That’s bullshit.
An ass full of laxatives and tangled fishing hooks.
Half of what goes on in my head I don’t want. And when ill behaviors no longer feel comfortable that’s a sign that we’ve grown.
Read as much into all of that as you want.
You’ve grown!
About 2” since you last saw me.