Bill Finger Finally Gets A Credit For The First Batman Comic
What makes this issue really significant, however, is that to my knowledge, it’s the first time Batman’s co-creator, Bill Finger, has received a cover credit for the original Batman story.
Finger is, of course, the writer of the earliest Batman comics, whose contributions to the creation of the Dark Knight include the costume and color scheme, the origin story, the lack of superpowers, the words “Batmobile” and “Gotham City,” Robin, the Joker, and numerous other elements. Unfortunately, due to some legal trickery by his collaborator and actual supervillain Bob Kane, Finger’s never been officially identified with a “Batman created by” credit in any published works or films or other Batman media.
Somehow I missed this in my internet travels of 2014.
I had always believed that Kane was the sole force behind Batman. Okay, so maybe Batman was his initial idea but the “created by” part is misleading. Much of what makes Batman who he is is his story, his parents being shot, him being a vigilante and so on. Those things fall into the creation bucket as far as I’m concerned.
Bob Kane was one of my heroes and this took him down a few notches in my book.
Funny how everyone is human after all.
Another related read: 5 Ways Batman’s TRUE Creator Got Screwed Out Of His Legacy
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