Taking a good photo and making it better.
1- I took the original as I was walking down to the garage on my way to work.
2- It’s not bad but I didn’t like the bottom greenery, it’s too big and blurry. The left side was also too busy so I cropped the whole photo tighter.
3- The garage’s gutter cluttered the picture, too, so I nuked it.
4- The colors were okay but they felt bland. I dropped the Shadows down to -0.35 and bumped the Saturation up to 0.21. Now I love it!
5- I did this all in Photos for macOS in less than 5 minutes. To remove the gutter I used the Pixelmator Retouch extension with the default settings. Yes, your whole life has been a lie.
6- Life is all about making things less complicated, less cluttered. Noise just distracts me from what’s important.
Irene · Dec 14, 2018 at 9:50 am
Thanks for sharing! What an interesting education .. You’re an amazing photographer!! I love seeing Beauty Through Your Eyes. Thank you
You are most welcome!!
Ryan Waters · Dec 14, 2018 at 11:42 am
Nice work