I often wonder why people write articles like Marco Arment’s Sales of obscure game consoles vs. non-iPad tablets.
HP hasn’t released any sales figures for the TouchPad yet. I wonder if it will outsell the Virtual Boy this year.
I didn’t include the iPad’s approximately 30 million units on here because it distorted the graph’s scale too much.
The pretty bar chart, which obviously took some effort, is then followed by three sources. It almost screams “Hey, I’m a legitimate article, I have sources!”
Honestly, I see zero reason for this piece other than to let tablet makers know they shouldn’t even bother. Generally I respect what Marco has to say but this is typical Apple Fanboi garbage.
Kinda makes me wonder if Hewlett-Packard hurt his feelings somewhere down the line, rejected his Instapaper webOS app or something.
I probably would’ve rolled my eyes and carried on but Daring Fireball linked to it.
I think it's because I have a fondness for webOS, it's a good platform and the Apple pundits tend to hit it with just as hard as they do Android.
And I don't think this hitting is justified. Android, its malware and goofy "open source" model have plenty of lashings coming. I'm not sure that this is true for webOS and the TouchPad.
Often times the people in love with the iOS devices seem to go out of their way to knock down anything that might threaten Apple's dominance in the market.
Plenty of people are bashed here on tcrbang.com of course, but I think these are all legitimate bashing.
Maybe HP had it coming from Marco. I don't know. Marco seems like a fair person in his writings and the tone of his write-up just struck me as abrasive.