Being Gay at Jerry Falwell’s University
According to the Liberty Way, homosexual behavior was strictly prohibited, as were all sexual relationships outside of marriage. The consequence of spreading one’s seed wasn’t excommunication, but was of a financial nature: Sex, or any violation of the Liberty Way, earned a student a certain number of demerits. To remain in good academic standing, you had to get these demerits off of your record, and the only way to do that was to pay. When I was there, I think the fine was $10 per demerit on any over four. So the price wasn’t steep. But the real consequence—and the administration knew this—was having to put up with classmates who knew about your transgression. Not that they would judge you (not all of them) but they would pray for you, usually publicly: “I don’t really want to say who and embarrass him, because he’s my roommate and brother in Christ, but please remember him in prayer, because he’s struggling with homosexuality.”
It’s lengthy but a good read.
i wish there were more christians who lived their faith. the world would be better. with the drek of humanity still only going throug the motions and in fact using the pick and choose method of faith, status quo can be expected.
jesus prayed for the poor, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, prayed for prostitutes and other sinners.
he NEVER MENTIONED Abortion or Homosexual relationships. his ministry is just about the opposite of the Republican agenda and definitely the opposite of the extreme fringe, the tea party and the moral majority.
The same ones who who want Jesus to co-sign their every abomination, no matter how deliberately in denial of his message it might be.
The Liberal, Democratic agenda is closest to what Jesus preached, no matter what you've imagined or lied about what the Bible says.
i know you more or less agree with me t, so i'm kinda just bleating.
and like jimmy swaggart and the as yet unproven husband of Michelle Bachman, the more they are against something the more they are guilty of the same kind of wrascality.