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Meanwhile, Kit Kat

tcr! · Nov 4, 2016 at 7:42 am

meanwhile kit kat

Thief Breaks Into Car, Steals Only a Kit Kat, Leaves Weird Note

In many states, breaking and entering is a felony. That includes the burglary of not just homes, but vehicles, too.

So it’s not NBD to smash the window of a Honda and grab a laptop or car stereo that appears enticing (or, at least, expensive)—it could mean massive fines, probation, or even months or years of jail time.

But the courts might be a little puzzled by one recent incident that took place in Kansas. Sometimes, in place of expensive sunglasses or electronics to resell for meth money, you just want a snack.

Don’t leave your car unlocked folks.

#meanwhile #kitkats

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