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Jun 20th, 2016 at 10:01:36 am

tcr! · Jun 20, 2016 at 10:01 am

15 Things That Are Harder To Obtain Than A Gun

15 Things That Are Harder To Obtain Than A Gun

You may have heard the story of a news reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer who actually timed how long it would take her to buy an AR-15, the “weapon of choice” for mass shooters. It took her seven minutes to purchase the gun — seven minutes. It takes longer for me to buy diapers and gum at CVS with my kids in tow than it did for her to get that gun.

We don’t have to agree on whether or not Americans should have guns, but can we at least agree that it should not be this easy for people to get their hands on this type of weaponry? Consider just a few of the common, relatively harmless things that are harder to obtain than a gun.

“9. A Kitten” — when we got our two cats, we were literally at the animal shelter for hours. I don’t remember how many forms I had to fill out let alone verbal (mostly condescending) questions I had to answer. Intense judgement from the moment I told the first lady we wanted to adopt a couple of kittens. And the whole time the shelter wasn’t even sure if they were going to let us buy them. It was almost like, “Am I gonna get this home loan? Is my credit score good enough? Did we pass the test???”

#guncontrol #cats

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