Of all the stars I count as lucky, one I’m particularly fond of is the “not expecting or needing or wanting anything from anybody” in that neurotic fucked kinda way. I’m not crying because I didn’t get a call, a look, a “like”, a whatever.
That’s not to say that I’m not disappointed with people sometimes but overall my happiness, my well-being is not tied to you. Soul independence, it’s a beautiful, liberating kinda thing.
I just want to enjoy the company of my fellow humans, bond with the kindred spirits, cherish whatever time I have with you in the cosmic here and now.
i know what you mean but only by glimpses. i can talk and/or fake a good game but the truth is that i get my feelings hurt plenty by people that i expect “more” from. more than they’re capable of sometimes, but also more than they’re willing to give. be it a call or a look or like.
Yep, I’m not able to run this mentality at 100% but overall I do pretty well. Much of it spurred by just not caring. It’s winter outside and I bundle up. Sometimes it’s winter inside and I bundle up there as well.
I stumbled upon this last night this Swanson quote last night. :-)
i don’t recognize Swanson and I feel like i should.
I have little interest in hunting, meat, and/or whiskey but I do enjoy his simplistic and straight forward demeanor. I think to truly grasp his greatness, one needs to follow his character throughout the whole series.