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Fearless Girl’s in the wrong place

tcr! · Apr 14, 2017 at 8:59 am

Wall Street Bull Sculptor Says NYC Violated His Rights With 'Fearless Girl'

Wall Street Bull Sculptor Says NYC Violated His Rights With ‘Fearless Girl’

According to The Associated Press, Italian-American sculptor Arturo Di Modica is accusing New York City of violating his legal rights by permitting the installation of “Fearless Girl” in front of his bull, without his permission.

Di Modica is expected to explain this accusation in a news conference on Wednesday, his attorney Norman Siegel claimed. The sculptor will be challenging the city officials who issued a permit for the bronze girl to stay until February of 2018, demanding that the city provide documentation behind the decision.

A day before International Women’s Day, “Fearless Girl” first appeared on the Wall Street traffic island, meant to symbolize the lack of women on the boards of U.S. corporations. Designed by artist Kristen Visbal, the statue was celebrated by some as a model of female empowerment and criticized by others as a form of pinkwashing.

Just to clarify… Charging Bull isn’t meant to represent the exact opposite thing Fearless Girl is opposing. Having her standing defiantly opposite is distorting Di Modica’s artistic intent. I’d be pissed if I were him, too.

I love Fearless Girl but not where she’s at. Seems to me a bit of advertising in the guise of women’s rights all while coat-tailing on another’s work. It’s the right message delivered by the wrong people to the wrong place.

Maybe State Street Corp should’ve installed Fearless Girl in front of Trump Tower.

#artnews #fearlessgirl

jimi hindrance experience jimi hindrance experience · Apr 15, 2017 at 12:37 am

me too. you can fly whatever flag you want but “time and place”. the “Illinois Nazis” featured in The Blues Brothers were based on a real event. These jackhammers wanted to march. They wanted to march in a heavily Jewish neighborhood. My arrogant opinion is that they didn’t really want to march; they wanted to provoke and be protected while they did so.

Yes. Trump Tower.


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