Alcohol as Escape From Perfectionism
And truth was, believe it or not, I got a lot done when I was drinking. In my alpha dog years—when I was holding down a senior job at a magazine, raising an artistic, athletic young man, giving speeches on the circuit—life was more than full. Alcohol smoothed the switch from one role to the other. It seemed to make life purr. I could juggle a lot. Until, of course, I couldn’t.
That’s the thing about a drinking problem: It’s progressive. But for a long, long time, alcohol can step in as your able partner, providing welcome support—before you want to boot it out.
Sometimes I’m amazed at the amount of work I accomplished during 2010 and 2011, the worst of my drinking career. I would often get up before the sun and work for 3-4 hours before going to work.
These days I can barely pull myself out of bed, even after the fourth snooze.
jimi hindrance experience · Mar 14, 2014 at 4:04 am
i, jim stark, was completely stoned, high as a kite, both times i passed the boards in my profession.
i had to take 'em a 2nd time due to a serious procrastination problem.
my wife asked me about my procrastination. i told her to ask my shrink.
but seriously, i'd rather take a beating or take the boards again than sit in the meetings i'd have to sit in in order to gain CEU's.
the first time i passed i was herbally refreshed.
the second time was with the help of Abbot Pharmaceuticals.