Note the headline:
Apple Using ICloud to Lock in Users After Online Misfires
Note the part that mentions lock in:
If Apple makes it difficult for consumers to move files to rival online services, iCloud also could infringe users’ rights to their own information, said Jonathan Zittrain, co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
I’m not saying that Apple won’t make it harder to leave their services once you’re hooked. What I am saying is that the headline implies one thing while the article never lives up to that implication. Pure link bait.
On a different note, syncing music is an iOS headache, amplified by the current state of iTunes – that part I can see. But I would never have iWork auto-magically sync my documents across devices and iCloud. Documents are things I’ve slaved over and can never be replaced if “lost” or “tampered” with. I can always download MP3s again, from another site if needed.
I’m also paranoid. I don’t/won’t store anything “important” in someone else’s cloud.
So it’s obvious Apple isn’t targeting me. They’re after the doctors making Numbers’ spreadsheets on iPads in the hospital. iCloud syncing all that business data would be a godsend for users and a bankroll for Apple.
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