Ferguson Police Routinely Violate Rights of Blacks, Justice Dept. Finds
WASHINGTON — Ferguson, Mo., is a third white, but the crime statistics compiled in the city over the past two years seemed to suggest that only black people were breaking the law. They accounted for 85 percent of traffic stops, 90 percent of tickets and 93 percent of arrests. In cases like jaywalking, which often hinge on police discretion, blacks accounted for 95 percent of all arrests.
The racial disparity in those statistics was so stark that the Justice Department has concluded in a report scheduled for release on Wednesday that there was only one explanation: The Ferguson Police Department was routinely violating the constitutional rights of its black residents.
The report, based on a six-month investigation, provides a glimpse into the roots of the racial tensions that boiled over in Ferguson last summer after a black teenager, Michael Brown, was fatally shot by a white police officer, making it a worldwide flash point in the debate over race and policing in America. It describes a city where the police used force almost exclusively on blacks and regularly stopped people without probable cause. Racial bias is so ingrained, the report said, that Ferguson officials circulated racist jokes on their government email accounts.
Je ne suis pas, as opposed to the jimihindranceexperience’s “Oui Je Suis”
Ferguson cops “routinely” block public from filming them, DOJ says:
Darren Wilson was innocent. If only the city’s cops offered their own citizens the same due process he received.
i read the first half. i’m like, people think this is news?! when i moved to muncie, In was when i realized there were people from the better walks of life, IE: dr’s, policemen, middle class what-have-you, who were virulently racist.
i hate white trash. all of the white people the story talks about are my definition of white trash. they are scary to be around. i’m never around them too long without them sounding me out to see if i’m with ‘em or against ‘em.
it’s scary out here. i’m gonna post more later.
I read a book called “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom.
Corrie’s family hid Anne Frank’s family.
the most important thing i got out of that book was that the nazi’s hated the jews because they saw them everyday. in other words, there was a constant reminder of their guilt and inhumanity any time they looked around. people who bleat racist rhetoric or actually participate in genocide are sooner or later gonna come face to face with the cold hard facts that “we’re all in this together”. ELO loves the star trek shows because she believes it shows a time when man has grown beyond prejudices.
I’m very fortunate that I haven’t lived around racists for decades. I sometimes take the ease of my life for granted. And I’d also like to see a bit more of the Star Trek utopia here in ‘merica.