Nobody here actually knows how to use a couch 👍
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Who the fark are these people? ^^
The modern bisexual workforce I guess
Does that mean they all have two jobs? 🤔
It means they all have zero jobs.
Oh wait. I was confusing the couch indigents with the modern hipster workforce.
I believe couches are now called “sectionals”, so are they “bisectionals”?
Depends if they’re set up properly.
Does it have something to do with the cushions, too?
I assume there are twice as many cushions to choose from.
landerl · Aug 23, 2019 at 10:42 am
To be fair, those couches look terribly uncomfortable.
And their placement is all wrong, too. I’d never sit with my back to someone. I’d be dead before EOD.
Kelly K · Aug 24, 2019 at 1:44 am
My thought exactly!
These are too complicated! I would have spasms in my neck from turning my head trying to see who’s talking!