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tcr! - power grid - Back in 1998

tcr! - power grid - Have a Cupcake

Overall Impression

In the swirling vortex of alternative rock, where familiarity often dances with the unexpected, tcr!’s riff-fueled “Back In 1998” emerges as a delightfully off-kilter listening experience, one that boasts a melodically quirky demeanor and undeniable catchiness. From the moment the opening riffs spring to life, there’s a sense of playful rebellion that permeates the air. The infectious nature of the guitar hooks combined with the track’s driving sense of groove help serve as a particularly strong backbone, grounding the music’s off-kilter musical personality with a sense of rhythmic urgency that is both engaging and effective.

Strongest Points

The effective use of unison in the song’s main melodies and riffs helps bring each hook vividly to life in a particularly striking manner. This not only creates some interesting bouts of musical interplay between the bass, guitar, and vocal parts but it also helps infuse the arrangement with a strong sense of dynamism and unexpectedness, helping to keep listeners firmly on their toes throughout the track. As the vocals intertwine with the supporting instrumentation, there’s a strong sense of cohesion, creating a unified front that is certainly engaging. And then there are the lyrics, an intriguing smorgasbord of espionage and intrigue woven with threads of longing and desire. “Russian spy in the black of night / Black boots, almost hip-high” sets the stage for a narrative that’s equal parts seductive and mysterious. Lines like “Waiting for your burner call / You’re smoking euro menthols” evoke a sense of clandestine romance, while “Where are the documents? / Photographs, intelligence?” hint at a deeper, more sinister undercurrent.

There’s also a fittingly raw and unpolished sense of character to the music and general presentation that helps add to the authenticity of the music, providing listeners with a certain rawness that can’t be manufactured or replicated. In a musical landscape that’s more often than not bloated by over-produced pieces of music, “Back In 1998” revels in its more grounded and laid-bare sound. This not only helps strengthen the overall impact of the track but also helps capture that quintessential grit-filled sonic aesthetic that’s so synonymous with the alternative rock genre.


Russian spy in the black of night
Black boots, almost hip high
You and I with the moonrise
Just love you to my surprise
World is spinning clounter clockwise
Blood red lips they do imply
In the end we both will die

Waiting for your burner call
You’re smoking euro menthols
My heart melts with compliments
So I crumble defenseless
Where are the documents?
Photographs, intelligence?
Stab me with your red pen
I am living in pretend

Back in 1998

Broken spy under a darken sky
Massaging your silken thighs
I’m in jet mascara disguise
Go down, look into my eyes
Defect and you’ll be mine
Can’t resist no matter how I try
In the end we both will die

Waiting for your burner call
You’re smoking euro menthols
Midnight locks, elven frame
Agent, what’s your endgame?
Classified Autumn weekend
Telegram, apprehend
But, oh no, it’s not the end
For you and I

Back in 1998
Back in 1998

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