I’m a little sad, a little disappointed. I’ve been mulling this over for a few days and finally decided to publish something.
It’s Official: HP Kills Off webOS Phones And The TouchPad
webOS is the best mobile operating system out there, bar none. I’ve had the original Palm Pre since it came out and the experience is far better than any other smart phone I’ve seen or used.
There’s true multi-tasking, none of this fast app switching crap. The instant messaging app is to die for. The notifications are both functional and usable. Best of all, there’s no bloated iTunes required to just put music on the damn thing. In fact, I don’t even need a computer to use it. ;-)
The default apps for email, calendar and contacts just work. I don’t ever think about them, I just use them. They stay out of my way and I concentrate on the data. That’s what apps are for.
Even developers loved it.
I’m still a webOS developer and I’m still a webOS user and that will not change until my phone breaks
I agree that the number of 3rd party apps is no where close to the iPhone or Android but I’d wager that most of those are worthless shit.
See it’s like, it doesn’t matter how many visits you get on your website, it’s how many connections and/or sales are come from those visits. Net figures, not gross figures.
Late Friday night, HP slashed (like really slashed) the price of the TouchPad. I made an attempt in the gold rush to order the 32GB model but sadly I received an email from HP this morning:
An item in order H118927537 is not available and we are unable to fulfill your order as placed. We have cancelled your entire order and credited your selected payment method(s).
Why all the fuss? I’m passionate about technology - even more so when something I use everyday, is always with me, is more or less dead.
Of course HP says there’s hope for webOS:
It doesn’t mean — in any way, shape or form, at all — that we are abandoning webOS. In fact, we’re allowing webOS to fulfill the vision that I think everyone in the industry wants to see, and that is a viable alternative to other tablet or mobile operating systems that are out there that have their own baggage.
But only if partners come on board.
And finally, this is why I’ll never develop for a particular OS or platform again. True mobile web development is the future.
HP’s changing lanes and still doesn’t know where they’re going .. http://www.cringely.com/2011/08/losing-the-hp-way/