President Trump: The Hangover - I, Cringely
George W. Bush was another President partial to bombast and we survived him. Trump might be a nightmare but maybe the instincts of the electorate are correct and we need someone to do a cannonball in the pool, getting everyone wet. In the long run he’ll get very little done because he doesn’t know how government really operates and his helpers aren’t that helpful. It’s in the short run that he’ll really shake things up, not by doing anything, but through people imagining what he might do. Imagination tends to be worse than reality.
he’s gonna shake things up with monumental F/U’s galore! his helpers are not only not helpful, they’re counter-productive. as of this key stroke, he’s contacted the leader of a place our allies do not recognize. (there’s a million sub-plots to this one, but the gist is that he’s clueless to how inappropriate this was. World Peace hangs on a tenuous thread.)
i wasn’t prepared. i’m worried i’m gonna start caring again and i’m too tired and tested for all that.