#OH: Can you check the mailbox to see if there are any presents in there?
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· Dec 17, 2013 at 9:19 am
#OH: Can you check the mailbox to see if there are any presents in there?
← Fortune Days by The Glitch Mob Dec 15th, 2013 at 1:47:50 pm →
Nov 12, 2017 at 3:22 pm
Just checking in on the robot vacuum while grocery shopping at Super…
Nov 30, 2013 at 10:49 am
#OH: I’m gonna shoot that lemon tree because I hate lemons.
all i wanted was socks. i hate the commercialization of the whole thing. not because it's disrespectful to jesus, but because it's become the driving force of the economy in what used to be america. i don't want to play anymore. i like my truck, and i needed it. i like the movies, cuz it's my escape. i like having warm socks, cuz i don't like to wear shoes in the house, and my feet get cold. if e. wants to buy me something for christmas, i asked for socks. i also think i need a new watch band.
A few years ago we were walking past an outdoor plastic nativity scene and M. says "Just great, baby jesus." She couldn't have been more than five at the time.
PS— Getting socks on 12/25 should be mandatory.